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About us
General Policy
Estates, Facilities and Capital Services
Security Manager
Security Manager
Director of Property & Asset Management
11 January 2011
01 April 2023
01 April 2026

General Note

NHS Fife acknowledges and agrees with the importance of regular and timely review of policy statements and aims to review policies within the timescales set out. New policies will be subject to a review date of no more than 1 year from the date of first issue.

Reviewed policies will have a review date set that is relevant to the content (advised by the author) but will be no longer than 3 years.

If a policy is past its review date, then the content will remain extant until such time as the policy review is complete and the new version published.


1.1 The function of this policy is to inform all users of motor vehicles within the boundaries of NHS Fife sites of the regulations, and their requirement to adhere to the site regulations. It is necessary to have these regulations for various reasons including:
• providing a safe environment for road users and pedestrians
• providing clear access for emergency vehicles
• providing clear access for deliveries, both for NHS Fife vehicles and external contractors.
1.2 This policy is also intended to work alongside the NHS Fife Strategic Travel Plan and site-specific plans where applicable.


2.1 This policy applies to all NHS Fife sites.


3.1 The Director of Estates, Facilities and Capital Services, assisted by the Head of Estates, Estates Services Managers, and the Security Manager, has responsibility to ensure that the car parking facilities within NHS Fife are correctly managed. NHS Fife will make every effort to provide well-maintained and managed parking, however the ultimate responsibility regarding use of the parking facilities rests with the users.

3.2 Queen Margaret Hospital, Victoria Hospital & Whyteman’s Brae have sections of roadway that are covered by a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) or other ordinance and, as such, Fife Council has authority to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to offending vehicles i.e. parked on double yellow lines or parked in a blue badge bay without displaying appropriate documentation or using electric charging bays whilst not charging. Site plans showing the roads covered are given in the Appendix.

3.3 At Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy, car parks are patrolled and managed by security staff. Community sites have their own local arrangements in place for controlling parking.

3.4 All users of NHS Fife car parks have a responsibility to ensure that they comply with the relevant site regulations. Staff are asked to provide registration details of their vehicle when commencing employment with NHS Fife and are requested to update their details when appropriate i.e. changing vehicle: the exact arrangements are expected to be managed locally.


4.1 Rules and Regulations

4.1.1 NHS Fife endeavours to provide adequate car parking within the constraints of its sites, but no member of staff, patient or visitor can be "guaranteed" that a space will be available. Where a permit is issued for barrier car parks, this does not constitute a guarantee of availability at any time. Likewise individual services will not have allocated parking and must not apply any alternatives to this policy.

4.1.2 It is imperative that NHS Fife manages car parking at all of its sites to provide a safe environment for all users and to maintain the provision of the service. Any user of NHS Fife car parking facilities should adhere to the following rules and regulations:
• all vehicles must be parked within designated bays and in accordance with relevant signage
• speed limits must be observed
• where parking areas are marked for use by specific groups e.g. visitors, patients, staff, pool cars etc, these spaces are only for use by these users
• Vehicles are only to be parked on NHS Fife premises where the driver and/or passenger(s) have legitimate business with NHS Fife and must not exceed this duration or be left on site for any other purpose. Vehicles contravening this will be treated as abandoned vehicles and actioned accordingly.
With regard to on-street parking in areas surrounding NHS Fife sites, NHS Fife encourages its staff, patients and visitors to refrain from parking in residential side streets.

NHS Fife makes every effort to provide dedicated parking for Blue Badge holders and these are the only areas where parking is permitted. Blue Badge Holders cannot park in Drop Off/Pick Up Zones or Ambulance Bays or any other area that is not a designated space. This includes single and double yellow lined areas.

4.1.3 Parking is prohibited specifically in the following areas, locations or circumstances:
• on double yellow lines, red lines, areas hatched with yellow/red lines or area denoted within the Highways Code as such.
• in a location which blocks entry or exit for emergency or delivery vehicles - for example outside emergency exits, plant rooms, delivery areas or on emergency access routes
• at or adjacent to bus bays, stops or shelters
• on grassed areas, on foot and cycle paths or turning circles
• in areas temporarily cordoned and dedicated for specific and temporary operational purposes
• in an area marked as temporarily or permanently allocated for use by visitors or for example in connection with maintenance or construction work
• any area that is not clearly marked as a parking bay
• Blue Badge Bays unless an authorised Blue Badge Holder.
• Drop Off/Pick Up Zones (Excess Time – all vehicles inc Blue Badge Holders)
• Patient Only bays
• Electric Charging bays whilst not charging
4.2 Enforcement
4.2.1 Security staff at Victoria Hospital - under the direction of the NHS Fife Board - are responsible for enforcing parking regulations at the aforementioned sites and are empowered to affix warning notices to offending vehicles. They also have the authority to direct traffic flow, regulate entry, control parking arrangements, and otherwise ensure compliance with parking regulations on NHS Fife hospital sites. Outwith these arrangements traffic control and issue of advisory notices may be undertaken as appropriate by other instructed staff after approval from Local Management i.e. Porters located at Community sites.

4.2.2 At VHK regular patrols and inspections are carried out throughout each 24 hour period with particular attention paid to Blue Badge Bays and Accident & Emergency access areas.
• Staff persistently ignoring the parking regulations will be reported to their Line Manager and shall be subject to NHS Scotland Conduct Policy NHSWP5. This will also include any act that contravenes this policy such as removing parking restrictions, i.e. barriers and cones to “free up” parking spaces or failing to comply with instructions from Security staff or any authorised member of staff.
• Areas covered by Traffic Regulation Orders or other ordinance will be regulated by Fife Council and as such, NHS Fife will not interfere with the legal process required to manage these areas.

4.3 Barrier Passes

4.3.1 Victoria Hospital operates a barrier car park whereby access is granted dependent on the criteria indicated in the application form. Applications must in the first instance be made to the appropriate Service Manager or equivalent and sent to the Security Manager for consideration before final approval is given by the Director of Estates, Facilities & Capital Services.

Each application will be individually assessed and if space is available, access will be provided. Staff who have access to the barrier car parks but do not use it in accordance with their relevant criteria may have their access withdrawn. Use of the barrier car park is regularly reviewed to ensure optimal supply/demand compliance.

4.3.2 The application form for access to car parks can be found in the Appendix.


5.1 Violence & Aggression: verbal or physical abuse from any member of staff, patient or visitor in connection with the enforcement of this Policy will not be tolerated and shall be subject to NHS Fife Policy GP/V4 Reduction of Violence and Aggression at Work.

5.2 Disclaimer: NHS Fife cannot accept responsibility for any vehicles left on its premises. All vehicles and contents are left entirely at the owner’s own risk and - under no circumstances - will claims of compensation be considered.


6.1 It is recommended that this document is read in conjunction with the following:

6.1.1 NHS Scotland Conduct Policy NHSWP5

6.1.2 Policy GP/V4 Reduction of Violence & Aggression at Work

6.1.3 NHS Fife Strategic Travel Plan and site-specific plans where applicable.

6.1.4 Barrier Pass Application

6.1.5 Guidelines for Staff (VHK)


7.1 The Highway Code, HMSO, (updated 2022)
7.2 Traffic Regulation Orders and other ordinance for VHK, W/ Brae & QMH
7.3 NHS Fife Strategic Travel Plan
Related Publications
• GPC8 - Car Parking – TRO Plans Appendix
• GPC8 - Car Parking - Barrier Pass Application & Criteria
• GPC8 - Car Parking - EQIA
Related Policies
NHS Scotland Conduct Policy NHSWP5
Policy GP/V4 Reduction of Violence & Aggression at Work