The first 1001 days is foundational to later good health, and a critical ‘window of opportunity’, when the infant brain is particularly receptive to influences, and the developing child is most susceptible to harm from adverse environments. Babies’ brains double in size within the first year of life.
Many things can get in the way of the love and nurturing needed for healthy attachments between parents, carers and babies. Supporting infant mental health means thinking about these special relationships. NHS Fife’s Infant Mental Health Team is here to support this connection and promote a healthy future relationship.
Contact us
Infant Mental Health Team, Sea View, Whyteman’s Brae Hospital, Kirkcaldy KY1 2ND
Some of the work the Infant Mental Health Team do with infants and caregiver is to think about communication through sharing books, songs and rhymes. Delivering Bookbug in the home is a great way to support infant/carer relationships. Here is one of our Specialist Health Visitors with bookbug.
Scottish Book Trust