The Fife Health and Work Support team in Glenrothes were pleased to receive a visit from Jamie Hepburn MSP, the Minister for Business Fair Work and Skills.
The Fife Health and Work Support pilot project is a new way to access advice and guidance for anyone who needs help to stay in, or get back into work, if they have a health condition, health issue or disability. It has also been set up to support employers with general guidance or specific advice on a whole range of health and work issues.
The project has just celebrated its first year in Fife and Mr Hepburn checked in to see the progress that has been made in that time. Mr Hepburn, who launched the project, said:
“I was delighted to meet the Fife Health & Work Support team and catch up about the great work they are doing to support individuals with disabilities or health conditions to get back into or stay in work.
“Every year, thousands of people in Scotland leave their jobs as a result of a health condition or disability. The launch of the Fife Health & Work Support pilot last June has been instrumental in enabling more people to stay in work for longer. I’m proud to back a service which works to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities or health conditions, supporting our vision that everyone in Scotland receives the right employment support.”