Excellence in Care (EiC) Excellence in Care (healthcareimprovementscotland.org) is a national approach which aims to ensure people have confidence they will receive a consistent standard of high-quality of care no matter where they receive treatment in NHS Scotland.
Commissioned by the Scottish Government in response to the Vale of Leven Hospital Inquiry recommendations, Excellence in Care seeks to improve, integrate and coordinate the way quality care services are delivered.
The Scottish Government, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, NHS National Services Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland, and other public partners came together to create the Excellence in Care strategy. A senior practitioner and a data specialist from each board throughout Scotland support the national and local implementation of the strategy thanks to funding that has been made available.
The Care Assurance and Improvement Resource (CAIR), a central data repository and data visualisation system 'dashboard', was created by NHS National Services Scotland to support the aims of Excellence in Care. It enables users to view and understand data, act appropriately, and plan improvement as needed. CAIR will provide input for national and local reviews of the quality of care and promote quality enhancement.
Please access the link for further information The Care Assurance and Improvement Resource (CAIR) and guidance on access.