Quit your way – Stop Smoking Service

Quit your way – Stop Smoking Service

Many parents-to-be think it will be easy to stop smoking during pregnancy for the sake of the baby. Instead they still find it a struggle. Even if you really want to stop, sometimes you need extra help and support to succeed.

That’s where we can help - Quit Your Way Pregnancy helps pregnant women and their partners who want to stop smoking.

What we offer

This is a free, confidential service that has been specially tailored to meet the needs of pregnant women. Telephone support is available or a visit in your own home whichever you prefer. Vouchers can be given if appropriate to access free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as patches, inhalator, gum or lozenges. Support is extended to other family members who smoke and are interested in stopping.

Although stopping smoking can be a challenging process, it is one of the best things you can do to give your child a healthy start in life.

Call us on: 0800 025 3000

Drug liaison midwives

Drug Liaison Midwives give enhanced support and educational advice to women who misuse drugs/ alcohol throughout pregnancy and for an extended postnatal period.

The specialist midwives visit women at home and co-ordinate care tailored to each woman’s individual needs.

The team also give advice to women who are prescribed medication for chronic pain management where there is a risk that their medication may affect their unborn baby. Advice is given to ensure women are made aware of how to safely reduce any risk their medication may pose.

Specialist Midwives

Margaret Lawson - 07810637784

Hazel Sinclair07810637755

Sharon Somerville - 07815729258

Perinatal mental health service

There is a perinatal mental health midwife service within the VIP Project, which provides support for women in Fife who experience mental health problems during pregnancy and the postnatal period.

The Perinatal Mental Health Midwife coordinates care and signposts women and their families to additional support services as required. She also works closely with Maternity and Mental Health services to provide enhanced, individualised care for women with severe mental health conditions. This includes, where necessary, plans for additional support around the time of birth. The Perinatal Mental Health Midwife also offers advice for women who are prescribed medication for their mental health within pregnancy. The advice given helps women to make informed choices of the risks and benefits of taking medication for their mental health in the antenatal and postnatal period.

Contact Katie Potton

Family Liaison Team

The Family Liaison Team are part of the VIP Project. The Team provide enhanced support and education to vulnerable women and their families where Child Protection issues have been identified, the focus being on the safety of the unborn baby.

The Specialist Midwives visit the women at home and co-ordinate their care throughout the pregnancy and into the postnatal period as required.

The Nursery Nurses give specialised practical advice and education to prepare for the baby's arrival.

Bereavement nurse specialist

The bereavement nurse specialist offers care and support for women and their families, who suffer the loss of a baby, either in this pregnancy or in a previous pregnancy.

Support can be offered by phone or face to face, or if preferred text or email.

Information resources can be provided along with signposting to sources for further advice and support in the community.

Should counselling be requested details of services that do can be provided.

You can contact our Bereavement Nurse Specialist, Yvonne Caie, using the methods below

Tel: 07971 582240

Email: yvonne.caie@nhs.scot

Bereavement  resources