Who are the community mental health team (CMHT)?
There are 5 community mental health teams covering different areas of Fife – North East Fife, Glenrothes, Levenmouth, Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline. Each of these CMHT’s will cover the surrounding areas.
The CMHT is made up of a number of professionals including doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists and support workers. Initial appointments with the team are usually at one of the team bases in the areas above, but in some instances may also be arranged within your home. Appointments may also be carried out at your own GP Practice when accomodation is available.
How do I make contact with the CMHT?
Referrals to the community mental health team (CMHT) would normally be done by your GP or another health professional, for example; psychologist, occupational therapist, health visitor. Theteams are not open to self-referral.
Referrals are received by the team and discussed every week at a meeting attended by a range of professionals, including; psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health nurses, mental health occupational therapists and others as needed. Following discussion at the meeting, referrals are either accepted or declined. The person who made the referral is notified of the outcome.
If accepted for input from the CMHT, an appointment will be arranged for a full assessment to be carried out and for a treatment plan agreed with the you.
What will happen at my first appointment?
You will be seen by an experienced mental health worker from the team who will ask you questions about the difficulties you are experiencing. At the end of the assessment they will look with you at the best options to help address these difficulties. A summary of the assessment and recommendations will be sent to you and your GP as well as the referrer.
How long are appointments?
The first appointment can last up to two hours. Subsequent appointments will be determined by the agreed treatment plan.
How can the team help me?
Following initial assessment, if you require further involvement from the team a care coordinator will be allocated to your care. This is a mental health professional who will meet with you regularly to discuss your problems, work with you to agree a treatment plan and regularly review your progress. They will also keep in contact with any other professionals involved in your care. The aim of the service is to aid recovery from mental ill health and to assist people in returning manageable levels of activity and independence.
Help for carers
The CMHTs can support the person’s carers by providing information about diagnosis and treatment and also routinely direct them to local sources of support such as:
Fife Carers Centre Tel: 01592 205472,
Social Services if a carers assessment is necessary
Where appropriate, relatives and carers are often part of the initial assessment and are often involved in the following home treatment sessions. We will put you in touch with local carers support networks and offer a Carers Assessment on request. These are all important to the work of the Community Mental Health team. Please ask a member of staff if you or your carer would like further information about help for carers.
Staff can arrange an interpreter or someone to sign on your behalf if you need one.
How can I provide feedback?
We are always looking at ways to improve services. Your feedback allows us to monitor the quality of our services and act upon issues that you bring to our attention. If you want to make a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint you can:
- talk to the people directly involved in your care
- ask a member of staff for a feedback form
- contact the Patient Relations Team Tel: 01592 648153 Ext: 28153
- contact Circles Advocacy - 01592 645360 (Kirkcaldy) / 01592 786729 (Lochgelly)