Since the advent of COVID 19, this includes some virtual clinics. Our hospital team includes ophthalmologists (eye doctors), orthoptists (vision development specialists) optometrists and nurses.
The service is located in the Orthoptic Centre in the grounds of Queen Margaret Hospital. If your child’s eye condition cannot be looked after by your high street optometrist or GP, your child will be referred to our department. Squints and problems with vision development are usually looked after in our orthoptist and optometrists led clinics. All other children’s eye conditions are seen in Doctor led clinics.
If you have concerns regarding your child’s eyes or vision, and your child is of pre-school age, discuss this with your GP or health visitor. Your high street optometrist or GP will be able to advise if your child is of school age. If any of these professionals think that your child would benefit from a visit to our team they are able to contact us directly.If, at any stage, you have concerns about your child’s eye sight or the appearance of the eyes, or if there is an eye condition that runs in the family, you should also seek advice.
If you already have an appointment at the hospital and can’t make it, please let us know on (01383 623623). Our appointments are in short supply. Bring a snacks/a drink/favourite toy to settle your child.Let us know if you think that your child would benefit from 2 short visits to clinic rather than one long one (up to 90 mins)