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Other pages in Patient advice
Achilles Tenotomy for CTEV
Advice for after removal of Hip Spica cast
Advice following elbow/wrist cast/K-wire removal
Advice for after hamstring tenotomy
Care of a Cast, Splint or Surgical Boot
Language development - bilingualism
Language development- dummies
Language development- get ready for school
Language development - toddler talk 27-30 months
Language development- Golden rules for interaction
Language development - screen time
Language development - top ten tips to develop early skills
Osgood Schlatter’s disease
Putting on splints (AFOs)
Management Advice after Ankle Soft Tissue Injury
Splint care (AFO) - instructions and precautions
Toe problems in childhood
Using crutches - non weight bearing
Using crutches (partial weight bearing)
Recycling equipment information
Stairs with no rail advice
Stairs with one rail advice
Planned post-operative wound care advice
Trauma and emergency post-operative wound care advice
Hallux Abducto Valgus (Bunion) taping
Hallux Rigidus/Limitus taping
Soft cast advice - overview