Bereavement is a major event in anybody’s life and may cause worrying, frightening, and even surprising feelings. These feelings are normal and can take time to work through.
It is important to talk to family and friends and if feelings around grief continue long after the death or cause concern, it is wise to speak to a doctor.
Following a bereavement, it is important to:
- Take time to take in what has happened
- Talk about the person who has died
- Take time to feel the pain and loneliness
- Take time for yourself
It is important to recognise that:
- Grief is a normal part of being human and having feelings
- Grief is a journey, which is often hard, but gets easier with time
- Grief has no shortcuts and often takes longer than expected
- Grief can be scary and can lead to depressing thoughts and even thoughts of suicide. It is natural to think this way and it is important to talk about it.