Ward accommodation

All hospital wards have been designed to provide accommodation which is flexible for use by either sex. All Day Rooms are available for use by all patients, regardless of sex.

Children’s ward accommodation

Beds are allocated by age. Wherever possible, adolescents are allocated single room accommodation. If you have any queries about the accommodation in the ward to which you will be admitted, you should contact the ward Charge Nurse, who will try to assist you.
You will be informed of the names of the nurse and doctor in charge of your care. Staff will introduce themselves before attending to you.

Nurse call system

You will have a nurse call system at your bedside, which will alert staff if you need attention.
It is important that you should understand the nature of any treatment which is to be carried out. This should be explained to you by the doctor or nurse. You may be asked to read and sign a form of agreement should you require an examination/operation under general anaesthetic. If you are under the age of 16, we will usually ask for a parent or guardian’s consent.
The law states that if the minor understands the procedure in the opinion of the doctor concerned, that minor can consent, otherwise the legal guardian needs to consent.


A menu card system is used within the hospital to enable you to select your choice of meal and meet any special dietary requirements.

Meals for patients of minority groups

NHS Fife aims to provide you with a menu which is suitable, familiar and acceptable to you, at the same time ensuring that your dietary needs and requirements are met. If you require a special meal, please let us know, as far in advance as is practicably possible so that we can make the necessary arrangements. On your admission to hospital, please ask a member of the nursing staff to contact the Dietitian or Catering Department.