Labour and birth
One birth partner for induction of labour and birth. Additional birth partner will be considered after discussion with named midwife. Birth Partner may go home and return.
One person may accompany the pregnant woman to all appointments. No children.
Maternity inpatient wards
Two people can visit on the ward. Birth partner can stay with the woman overnight if she is in single room accommodation.
If a woman is in bay (shared) accommodation, then any visitor needs to organise their visiting time via the midwife in charge of the ward. We will aim to transfer the woman to home or to single room accommodation as their condition allows.
Both parents only, any babies staying longer than 7 days, siblings may visit by an arranged appointment.
Both parents/carers may visit, siblings may visit by an arranged appointment. Please discuss visiting arrangements with the nurse in charge.
Gynaecology Early Pregnancy Clinic and Ward 24
One person may accompany a woman to EPC appointments and scans. Two people can visit if an inpatient. Please arrange with the nurse in charge.
Visiting for women who are undergoing gynaecology care on other wards, within the hospital, will follow the guidance of that ward, usually two visitors. There may be instances where there can be more than one visitor; this must be agreed with the nurse/midwife in charge of the ward.
Quiet Time
*Quiet Time runs from 2.30pm until 4.30pm in our maternity wards.
The two-hour period where lights are dimmed and noise is kept to a minimum. This helps in the developmental care of the newborn and allows mothers to rest.
Only one birth partner will be able to stay during quiet time.